Monday 20 April 2009

Bart's Mesothelioma Research

Bart’s Mesothelioma Research: is a group of doctors, nurses and laboratory researchers aiming to improve the treatment and increase our understanding of mesothelioma and lung cancer. Mesothelioma is the main type of cancer caused by asbestos poisoning. Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses such as lung cancer and pleural plaques are increasing in incidence even though asbestos was little used after 1980. The problem is that there is a delay of between 30 and 50 years from the exposure to asbestos dust and the development of one of the diseases.
Britain is currently facing an epidemic of asbestos-related illness. Unfortunately there is very little research going on into mesothelioma in the UK. Bart’s Mesothelioma Research is aiming to raise the profile of this neglected group of diseases by offering our patients the best possible treatment and by conducting first-rate clinical and laboratory research.
At Bart’s we have one of the largest outpatient clinics in the UK for patients with mesothelioma. Typically our doctors see two or three new patients weekly. We also see a large number of patients who have completed treatment and are being followed up. We take a very positive view of treatment for mesothelioma and our patients are treated as individuals with treatment tailored accordingly. Treatments that we use include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. All patients are assessed in detail for symptoms by our team which also includes cancer specialist nurses.

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